Cancel a Presale
Step 1: Cancel Presale
1. Connect your wallet.
2. Visit your own presale pool
3. Click "Cancel Pool" button in the Owner Zone, then Confirm transaction on MetaMask
Step 2: Withdraw Tokens from Canceled Pool
If your token has fees, rewards, and max tx in the contract, you have to exclude those functions for the presale address in order to finalize the presale pool.
1. Before you finalize your presale, you need to access your contract address by clicking on the token address on your launchpad page.
2. Go to Contract -> Write contract -> Connect to Web3 to connect your wallet, you need to use owner address.
3. Ctrl + F, Search “exclude”, then input your presale address, then click on Write, to exclude fee, reward, max tx for the presale address.
4. After click on the “Write” button, MetaMask will now ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee that you are required to pay for that transaction. If you agree, then click on the “Confirm” button to finish the process.
If you see exclude (bool), please input “True”
Note: Sometimes the contract doesn’t have “exclude” but "exempt" instead, search “exempt”, then input your presale address, then click on Write, to exclude fee, reward, max tx for the presale address.
5. After all, click "Withdraw canceled tokens" button.
Last updated